
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is Sri Krishna Committee the climax for Telangana or a routine twist?

Whether they accept it or not every political leader is watching tensely for Sri Krishna Committee Report. I have already mentioned in the previous post that it is going to reiterate that Majority People of Telangana wants separation and rest of the AP wants it to be united. Sri Krishna committee will not give any surprises saying one of the movements is politically motivated.
Looking at the reasons and legitimacy of the resons for each movement -
Predominantly TRS spread hatred on Andhra leaders saying that they showed partiality in developing Telangana, they didn't get due share of Govt jobs and Water resources. Rest of Andhra argues that Hyderabad has become part and parcel of their lifestyle esp in the area of industries and business purposes. So Sri Krishna Committee decided to collect complete legitimate information from Govt about these four issues.

Share of Telangana and Andhra in Govt Jobs, Water resources and industries.
Also Hyderabad is looked at separately while calculating the above aspects and for other aspects as well.

The Hyderabad anomaly:

If Hyderabad is included in Telangana for any calculation of development then either Telangana will stand better or there will be not visible difference between Andhra and Telangana. If Hyderabad is considered as separate entity then the number will favor the under development of Telangana. So claiming Telangana including Hyderabad doesn't have any legitimacy. This is my personal opinion, lets see the numbers before judgment.

The First SRC:

The States Reorganization Commission was constituted by the Central Government of India under the States Reorganization Act and consisted of Hon. Fazal Ali, Kavalam Madhava Panikkar, and H.N. Kunzru. The Report submitted by the Committee in 1955 known as First SRC Report.

There were lot of independent regions and few provinces. Govt was not sure how to break India into logical and governable chunks. The SRC recommended dividing the states in linguistic basis. All the people talking same language make them into one state. This will help in education, press, Govt documentation, courts and law, communication (postal) etc. You don't need to know multiple languages to read sign boards, Govt documents, news papers, text books etc. That was a creative, logical and relevant to that society.

The Second SRC:

If the whole AP agrees to it then you don't need any logic to divide the states in any number. If some people are opposing then it needs a legitimate reason to do it.

Sri Krishna committee recommends a second SRC for Telangana creation; it means, let’s find out a smart/legitimate/acceptable way of state separation mechanism beyond language. It might be development. If you have to divide AP on basis of development than there will be lot of regions in India which are not developed on par with state average. Also there will be always some sort of underdeveloped regions in every state every time.

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